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Paste here your code, as given by the BSA website, and it will be automatically included on every page. Then use our BSA Widget for your sidebar code.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/feedburner_options.php on line 1

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/snippets/feedburner.php on line 1

By adding your FeedBurner URL here, your main feed will be served by FeedBurner instead of your Wordpress site.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/display_options.php on line 1

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The following options control the main slider. You may enable or disable auto-sliding by checking the appropriate option and further control its behavior.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/snippets/excerpt.php on line 1

You can select whether you want the Content or the Excerpt to be displayed on listing pages.

You can set what the Read More text will be. This applies to both the Content and the Excerpt.

You can define how long the Excerpt will be (in words). You can also set the text that appears when the excerpt is auto-generated and is automatically cut-off. These options only apply to the Excerpt.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/snippets/comments.php on line 1

You can disable comments specifically for Pages. This is usually preferred as pages traditionally hold static, presentational content. When checked, all pages will not have comments, overriding each page's setting.
When You can also enable and disable the "Comments are closed" message displayed on the bottom of each post/page/etc when the comments are closed. This applies everywhere.

Notice: Undefined index: comments_off_message in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/google_options.php on line 1

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Paste here your Google Analytics Code, as given by the Analytics website (including the <script> and </script> tags), and it will be automatically included on every page.

Enter here your Google Maps API Key. While your maps will be displayed at first without an API key, if you get a lot of visits to your site (more than 25.000 per day currently), the maps might stop working. In that case, you need to issue a key from Google Accounts

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/twitter_options.php on line 1

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You need to follow a series of steps in order to allow Twitter capabilities to your website. First, log into the Twitter Developers website.

Step 1: Make sure you are on the My Applications page. If you don't already have an application set up, create a new one by pressing the Create a new application button. Fill in the required details (you don't need a Callback URL) and press the Create your Twitter application button.

Step 2: On the following page (the application's page), in Details tab, under the Your access token label, press the Create my access token button. It might take a couple of minutes for it to generate, so refresh the page once in a while, until you see the generated codes.

Step 3: Under the OAuth Settings label, you will find your Consumer key and Consumer secret. Paste them below.

Step 4: Under the Your access token label, you will find your Access token and Access token secret. Paste them below. places limits on the number of requests that you are allowed to make. As multiple -=CI Tweets=- widgets count as discreet requests, and each pageview triggers those requests, we have placed a caching mechanism so that you don't reach those limits. For normal use (one widget per page), an update period of one minute should be fine. If you have more than one widget instances, you might need to increase that number.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/archive_options.php on line 1

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The number of the latest posts displayed in the archive page.

Use the following options to display various types of archives.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/newsletter_options.php on line 1

You can set your newsletter options here. The newsletter form can be added as a widget in any widget area. You can set the wording of your newsletter form here. The description is displayed on top of the form.

This newsletter form can be used in combination with plugins or online providers such as Campaign Monitor and MailChimp. Please refer to their respective documentation if you need to know what the values of Action, field names and field IDs should be. Please note that if the Action URL is blank, then the form will not be displayed.

You can pass additional data to your newsletter system, by means of hidden fields (e.g. Mailchimp requires them). For the hidden input name, fill the left input on a line. For the hidden input value, fill the right input on a line.

Aggiungi un campo nascosto

Notice: Undefined variable: ci in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/newsletter_options.php on line 56

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Select how many columns you want the work page to be:

Use this option if you want to disable the related work items from under the work single pages.

Notice: Undefined index: disable_work_related in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/home_options.php on line 1

Select the structure of your homepage.

Notice: Undefined index: disable_home_services in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348
/> Notice: Undefined index: disable_home_clients in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348

Select how many columns you want the services area in the frontpage to be. For example, if you have three services, you should set the number to three columns. If you have eight service items, you should set the number to four columns so that you get two rows of four service items.

Select how many columns you want the client area in the frontpage to be. For example, if you have three clients, you should set the number to three columns. If you have eight clients you wish to display, you should set the number to four columns so that you get two rows of four client logos.

Select the "Clients" page that you have created and assigned the "Clients Page" template. This will be used automatically wherever a link to the clients listing page is needed. If no page is selected, all related links will be disabled.

Notice: Undefined variable: ci in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/home_options.php on line 75

Set the text for the "Clients" section on the front page. The first is the main Clients heading, while the second is the text that will link to the Clients page that you have declared above.

Set the text for the "Call to action" description and button. This is urges the visitor to visit a specific page, usually a XXX or services page, and therefore, it is strongly recommended. For flexibility, you may set URL to redirect the user to.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/site_options.php on line 1

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Upload your logo here. It will replace the textual logo (site name) on the header.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/snippets/favicon.php on line 1

Here you can upload your favicon. The favicon is a small, 16x16 icon that appears besides your URL in the address bar, in open tabs and/or in bookmarks. We recommend you create your favicon from an existing square image, using appropriate online services such as Dynamic Drive and

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/snippets/touch_favicon.php on line 1

Touch Icons are the icons used in mobiles devices such as iOS and Android phones and tablets. You can upload images optimized for each category of devices. The images should be in PNG format. You can set each image as "precomposed" so that the mobile devices will not apply any visual effects to the icons.

Notice: Undefined index: touch_favicon_pre in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348
Notice: Undefined index: touch_favicon_72_pre in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348
Notice: Undefined index: touch_favicon_114_pre in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348

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You can change the footer text by entering your custom text here. You may use :year: to display the current year. The following HTML tags are allowed: <a> <b> <strong> <i> <em> <span>

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/snippets/sample_content.php on line 1

You can download sample content to help you get things started with this theme. You need to unzip the downloaded file, and then upload the resulting XML file via Tools -> Import -> WordPress. Please note that the images imported with the sample content are licensed, and therefore you are not allowed to use or redistribute them.

Download sample content

You may enable or disable the Work and Product post types, as they are quite similar, but they may or may not be both needed. Unchecking a post type will prevent the theme loading it completely, so you might experience some issues if there are dependencies on it. For example, if you import the sample content (which includes sample content for both post types) you might get an error importing posts for the specific post type. Make sure you enable both of them while importing the sample content.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/custom_css.php on line 1

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Paste here any custom CSS code you might have.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/contact_options.php on line 1

You may enable or disable the header contact details. Leaving a field empty, will disable that field from the header.

Contact Info: Here you can place the contact information of your business. They will be displayed in your contact page.

Map Settings: Here you can customize your map settings.

Notice: Undefined index: disable_map in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/color_options.php on line 1

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/snippets/color_scheme.php on line 1

Select your color scheme. This affects the overall look and feel of your website.

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/snippets/custom_background.php on line 1

Control whether you want to override the theme's background, by enabling the custom background option and tweaking the rest as you please.

Notice: Undefined variable: ci in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/snippets/custom_background.php on line 258

You can set the background color of the page here. This option overrides the background color set by the Color Scheme Option (if any), so leave it empty if you want the default. You may select a color using the color picker (pops up when you click on the input box), or enter its hex number in the input box (including a leading #).

When this option is checked, the body background image is disabled, whether it's set by the default stylesheets or by you, from the option below.

Notice: Undefined index: bg_image_disable in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348

You can upload an image to use as custom background for your site. You can also choose whether you want the image to repeat.

You can select the placement of your image in the background.

When the fixed background option is checked, the background image will not scroll along with the rest of the page.

Notice: Undefined index: bg_image_attachment in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348

Notice: Undefined variable: load_defaults in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions/tabs/product_options.php on line 1

Select how many columns you want the product page to be:

Use this option if you want to disable the related product items from under the product single pages.

Notice: Undefined index: disable_product_related in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/ci_panel.php on line 348

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ci_register_custom_feed() in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/bootstrap.php:31 Stack trace: #0 /home/accademi/public_html/wp-includes/template.php(812): require() #1 /home/accademi/public_html/wp-includes/template.php(745): load_template('/home/accademi/...', false, Array) #2 /home/accademi/public_html/wp-includes/general-template.php(206): locate_template(Array, true, false, Array) #3 /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/functions.php(17): get_template_part('panel/bootstrap') #4 /home/accademi/public_html/wp-settings.php(668): include('/home/accademi/...') #5 /home/accademi/public_html/wp-config.php(92): require_once('/home/accademi/...') #6 /home/accademi/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/home/accademi/...') #7 /home/accademi/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home/accademi/...') #8 /home/accademi/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/accademi/...') #9 in /home/accademi/public_html/wp-content/themes/___wp_businesstwo5-v1.0.1_xx/panel/bootstrap.php on line 31